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They came and saw. Then they wanted to stay!

That sums up the discernment weekend we organized from May 31 to June 2 at the Mother House in Montréal. It took us six years to experience this weekend of visitation. Patience pays off! Indeed, the girls visited us in the Spirit of Mary and Elizabeth, and we in turn visited them. This mutuality reflects the colours of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame.

Rich, deep sharing; moments of joy and relaxation; the real presence of Christ, both in the chapel and in people’s hearts, made this a memorable moment. The highlight of the show was, of course, the Mass at Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel during which the sisters renewed their vows in three languages!

The girls were able to discover Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys during the presentations, as well as during the discussions with the sisters who carry the spirit of Pentecost and the Visitation in their hearts. They felt loved.

A big thank you to the Vocations Committee for organizing this event, to the Mother House for the warm welcome and comforting meals, and to all the sisters and associates who helped with prayers or gestures.

Thanks to an evaluation completed by the young women, we will be able to follow up on this weekend. By listening to them and to the Holy Spirit, we hope to make Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys proud!

Here are a few testimonials from young women who took part:

It was very well organized and there was a perfect balance between activities, presentations, prayer and silent time, moments together and alone. Like other retreats, it was a bit short, especially the reflection exercises. On the other hand, a longer “come and see” might be nice but difficult for me to access, for example, and seems intimidating.

I like the suggestion of monthly virtual get-togethers for sharing among young women.

Also, I know we will receive the karaoke song list, but a shared Spotify or YouTube playlist where everyone could add the songs of the moment would be relevant. ”

I am returning home with a smile on my face, ready to share with others what I have experienced. The beauty of the retreat is to connect with God and find what we do not have in our busy lives. Thank you for everything! The comfort, the space, the food, I spent time in contemplative prayer and reflection in my room. ”

Meeting associates as well as novices would be superb.

All the conversations were relevant. It was a blessing, and I thank God for having said “Yes” to coming.

Thanks to the staff in the kitchen, housekeeping, the CND sisters, and Lydia at reception. ”

For example, I think the group could have discussed different ways of devoting one’s life to God after the presentation of the life of Marguerite Bourgeoys.

How can you recognize God’s presence in your life? How do you give your life to God?

How can we draw inspiration from the life of Marguerite Bourgeoys on our spiritual and religious journey? What are the next steps after this weekend?

What’s more, I would have liked to have received a more detailed program before the weekend. “