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Third Sunday of Advent B: ‌December 17, 2023 “Rejoice always”

Being joyful is a choice… We can decide to complain all the time. We can also decide to rejoice. It’s surprising. Sometimes we say to ourselves: “I don’t get to choose to be joyful.” But we do! We are the ones to choose. Otherwise, Saint Paul would not tell us to “Rejoice always.” Always being joyful is a good resolution. And when we are joyful, we bring joy to others. Thus, we have work to do to be able to be joyful. Let us, for a moment, think of reasons to rejoice: We can rejoice because we are connected to God, because we are at peace with our one generous Father.

Christ is our friend because we have faith. That’s a reason to be joyful! Let us rejoice. Another reason? God is always faithful. Even if we are not always faithful, He still loves us. We can also rejoice because God does wonderful things. Yes, God does wonderful things. And God always cares for the poor and downtrodden. That, too, is a reason to rejoice!

Being joyful does not always mean laughing out loud. Being joyful mainly means just being there, in the now, in our place, at peace with the Lord. Joy and peace go hand in hand. Let us remember the words of Saint Paul: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

When a birth is announced in our families, we all prepare ourselves to welcome the new child. On this third Sunday of Advent, half-way to the celebration of the Nativity, everyone is invited to ask themselves what they are concretely doing for their hearts to be worthy of housing the Child of Bethlehem. For, let us remember, the joy that must fill our hearts is found in the gladness of God. For our joy to become real, the Lord must have a place and be reflected in our lives.

“Let us rejoice, truly rejoice!”