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United Against Racism

Racism and discrimination in any form cannot be tolerated. At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is taking its toll on society, we cannot forget that a more insidious evil has been eating away at us for too long.  Racism and all forms of exclusion cause irreparable harm to all of humanity.  Racism feeds on fear and ignorance, it divides instead of unites, it isolates when, in order to survive, humans need one another.

A pioneer of New France, Marguerite Bourgeoys understood this.  Faced with the challenges that arose in the young colony, Marguerite’s response was always to go and meet others, to welcome and to help.  She was resilient and she knew how to adapt and to live in the present moment. 

May we follow her example and make concrete gestures to heal the scourge of racism.  We condemn all acts of violence, we call for dialogue, reconciliation, and healing.  Together we are stronger.