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Vocational focus group – Notre-Dame-des-Apôtres Region

As part of the closing of their annual activities, the young people of the vocational focus group spent the weekend of May 17-19, 2024 at the “come and live” event with the CND sisters of the regional house.

On the program:

  • initiation to personal and community prayer;
  • talks on a variety of topics: the life of Marguerite Bourgeoys, self-knowledge and tools for better managing emotions and affectivity;
  • practical and leisure activities: washing up, setting the table, films, board games, making prayer beads and dancing;
  • celebration of the feast of Pentecost with the Christian community of the parish.

At the end of the weekend, everyone gave thanks to the Lord for the past year and asked for the grace of discernment in order to better commit to following Him seriously and dynamically. A special thank you to the sisters who give their all to nurturing and guiding vocations as part of the youth ministry. Good luck to those taking official exams, preparing for a competition or working on a dissertation.